Dads are Important
Dads are Important Too
Spero welcomes men! Baby daddy’s, grandpas, friends. Dads are important to their children.
Have you ever wondered which traits describes a great dad? Would they involve nurturing, providing, and guiding?
While those are great traits to have, there are five traits (or characteristics) that provide the rich soil for those traits to grow. These are the specific areas for dads to work on if they want to bear fruit in their fathering:
Self-Awareness – The majority of dads believe they can be replaced by someone else in their children’s lives, so it’s critical that dads understand that they provide a unique and irreplaceable role in the lives of their children. Great dads are aware of themselves as a man and aware of the significant impact they have in their family.
Caring for Self – A great dad knows the importance of taking care of himself physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. This ensures he can be involved in his children’s activities and be a healthy role model to them as well.
Fathering Skills – These are the unique skills dad brings to the parenting process that complements mom’s strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to helping a child with homework, for example, dad may love helping with English, while mom may be more comfortable helping with math.
Parenting Skills – A great dad is a nurturing parent who clearly understands and accepts the importance his parenting skills have in developing the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, and creative needs of his children.
Relationship Skills – A great dad builds and maintains healthy and supportive relationships with his children, wife/partner, family, friends, and community.
Spero offers man to man mentorship.
As we look to expand our offices as soon as community guidelines allow, your continued prayers help us today and even beyond this moment. If we can serve you in any way, please TEXT us at 810.294.4844, call at 985-4438 or email at
Thank you too, for your continued financial support. You continue to make a difference in the lives of our moms, dads, babies and families.
We’ll work through this together and we are still your best, first choice for help with an unexpected pregnancy and options counseling.