Spero helps men
Did you know Spero serves over 100 men every year?
Port Huron, MI
Port Huron, MI
Many women who have had abortions report feelings of sadness, depression and regret. Without compounding the emotional and spiritual pain that one may be experiencing, Spero seeks to come alongside these women and men offering comfort, hope and healing. This is not only possible, but very real and available to anyone seeking to walk through…
God, how could you use me when I am imperfect? Port Huron, MI | Donna | In the fall of 2006, our church had a Wednesday night bible study. This one particular class we were sharing some deep personal things in our lives that we weren’t proud of. As a teenager, I had experienced something…
I Felt Inadequate to Help While attending a Right to Life Banquet, I stopped at the Blue Water Pregnancy Care Center display and spoke to a volunteer representing the Center. She was so excited and passionate about the ministry, I decided to volunteer! The entire process from initial interview to classroom instruction, on-the-job training and…
My greatest fulfillment here is speaking to young men about a relationship with the Lord. Bob McIntyre. I began volunteering at BWPCC in Jan. 2005. I had been a financial supporter of Right to Life for many years. As vital and important as it is, supporting life through political and judicial avenues is a slow…