God, how could you use me when I am imperfect?
God, how could you use me when I am imperfect?
Port Huron, MI | Donna |
In the fall of 2006, our church had a Wednesday night bible study. This one particular class we were sharing some deep personal things in our lives that we weren’t proud of. As a teenager, I had experienced something horrible that I never shared with anyone. “I had an abortion.” This brought shame and guilt into my life for over 30 years. After class was over that evening, the leader prayed with me and said something to me I would not soon forget. “I see you working at a pregnancy center.” In my heart I thought to myself, “No way I could never do that, how could I?” I’ve committed an unforgivable sin, God could never use me.
For many years thereafter I ignored the promptings of the Lord. “God, how could you use me when I’m imperfect, wounded and filled with guilt and shame? Lord – you have the wrong person for this job. No Way God!”
In December of 2012, God got my attention and I began thinking more of this Pregnancy Center. I was still having doubts and arguing with God, I have no experience in this work, how can I do this? After some time, I went on the internet in search of a pregnancy center and came across Blue Water Pregnancy Center. Their website read: “No Experience Necessary, We Will Train You!” I decided okay I will do this but God I need your help. I filled out an application and I dropped it off that week, eager to get started. I just knew this is what He wanted for me. During group training I felt the Lord’s promptings to share my abortion story. I was terrified but trusted God’s leading. My fellow classmates were loving, supportive and accepting of me.
I’ve experienced tremendous healing and have been given the opportunity to work with women in need of the same love hope and forgiveness that the Lord extended to me. All of this became possible because I said yes to God, He turned a tragedy in my life around for the good of others.