My greatest fulfillment here is speaking to young men about a relationship with the Lord.

My greatest fulfillment here is speaking to young men about a relationship with the Lord.

Bob McIntyre.

I began volunteering at BWPCC in Jan. 2005. I had been a financial supporter of Right to Life for many years. As vital and important as it is, supporting life through political and judicial avenues is a slow and sometimes disappointing endeavor. There was an urgency in my heart to do something at a personal level.
At an RTL Banquet, I was introduced to the ministry of BWPCC — a group of people speaking face to face with the very men and women making life and death decisions regarding the unborn. I discovered this ministry encompasses more than the unborn child. It embraces the heart and welfare of men and women trying to make a right decision while facing anxiety, confusion, and physical need. Many have a heart desire to protect life, but also feel trapped, without any options. BWPCC gives them a real choice. We offer practical, emotional, and spiritual support to allow them to follow their heart.
My greatest fulfillment here is speaking to young men about a relationship with the Lord. Our intake form process asks all clients if and what they believe about God. It is a magnificent evangelistic opportunity. Most of our clients are not or have never attended a church. Many do not understand who Jesus is, or what He has done for them. We tell them.
I must be honest. Every day is not a spiritual high. Like every other organization, there are tons of daily operational tasks. Many days, all I do is practical stuff around the office. But I’m important. I am helping keep the doors open. I can answer the phone while one of the gals is offering advice and hope to a troubled young woman. And when that young man does come in — maybe we will get a chance to have that ‘father-talk’ he’s never had an opportunity to hear.

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