Love your neighbor as yourself“… words spoken by Jesus to all of us. Come and see the exceptional steps taken to increase the center’s impact and meet the center’s staff, tour the center, and view their ultrasound system.

What people say after touring Spero.

“I’m amazed at what Spero offers.”  “Wow, it’s so warm and welcoming here.”  “This gives me a whole new perspective at what Spero does.”  “Spero is really professional.” “I had no idea what you did before I came to visit.”

You are invited to tour the office and see how we share the love of Jesus with over 800 women and men in our local community.

May 14, Wednesday, 8am – 6pm

December 2, Tuesday, 8am – 6pm

1211 Griswold Street, Port Huron

No RSVP needed, Join us!

The Spero Center offers free, compassionate care for women experiencing unplanned pregnancy. For over 35 years the center has been providing vital information as the clients face life-altering pressures and decisions. The power of ultrasound introduces moms and dads to their unborn babies at a significant time in their lives. Spero has served an astounding 3 generation of clients since we began. We believe that the more people see the center and hear about services provided, the more clients helped. Be a part of history!