Confidential Counseling

Every woman deserves love and support during an unexpected pregnancy. We care about you – what you are going through; what you are feeling. Whether you feel hopeful or hopeless, full of joy, or full of fear, the trained staff at Spero are committed to walking with you if you are pregnant, had a pregnancy scare, a miscarriage or a past abortion. We will walk with you until you feel strong enough to walk on your own. And we will be there for you if you ever want to return just to talk. All our conversations, as well as your identity and medical records, will be kept in strict confidence for your protection. Our services are confidential as allowed by state law.
Client Advocates
When going through a challenging time, or when you just have questions, it is important to talk to someone you can trust. Trust is earned and we are committed to earning and maintaining your trust. All of our Client Advocates are trained in pregnancy counseling/listening skills and have a demeanor that is mature, non-judgmental, and caring. While they are not licensed or “professional’ counselors, they do possess the skills and character that will help you process your emotions, make decisions that are right for you, and help you move forward with confidence and hope.
What are your options?
When facing a pregnancy decision, you have three options – abortion, adoption, or parenting. All three have life-altering ramifications. Take your time and make sure you understand the pros and cons of each decision.
Parenting – Every mom and/or dad needs support when choosing to parent a child. Whether this is your first or you already have children, an advocate will help you carefully consider the best approach to parenting and get you connected to the resources that you may need to make you a better parent. Giving birth to a new life is just the beginning of this journey called motherhood. There will be joy and laughter, challenges and self-doubt, there will be sleepless nights and wonderful memories. Deciding to parent requires courage, stamina, and a reliable support system. We will assist you in exploring and developing your support system. Will the boyfriend be a part of this child’s life? Are your parents supportive and nearby? Are your friends capable and trustworthy? We will serve as part of your team, and will also direct you to the education and other resources you need.
Abortion – While we do not perform or refer for abortion, we will certainly discuss this option with you. The procedures, risks, costs, and consequences of abortion are important for you to know and understand. You also need to be aware of your rights before you have a medical procedure performed on you. Pre-termination counseling offers you and your partner full disclosure on what you may experience if you were to choose abortion. We provide evidence-based medical education as well as nursing consultations. Men and women deserve to know the WHOLE truth.
Adoption – Many women (and men) dismiss the idea of adoption because they can not bear the thought of “giving their baby away”; that it somehow makes them a bad parent/person. But adoption is a very loving and good thing to do, as you are giving your child the opportunity to be raised in a way that you could not provide at this time. It is a selfless and sacrificial thing to do and a true expression of a mother’s love. If you want to know more, we will walk with you through the process and connect you with the experts that can help.

What do we get out of it?
Nothing. Spero does not receive any financial benefit from your decision. We do not charge you for any of our services, so we can be totally neutral, and will not pressure you into any specific decision. The results or outcome of your decision does not financially impact our center in any way. Be assured that we are here to help YOU.
What to Expect
When you come to Spero (whether as a walk-in or by appointment), you will fill out an “intake form” with your contact and medical information, as well as the reason for your visit. You will then meet with your Client Advocate, and take a pregnancy test. Depending on the results of your test, you will discuss your options with your client advocate and plan a course of action. Come with your questions and get the info you need. Appointments usually last between 45-60 minutes.
Next Steps
Knowing is better than not knowing. Knowing for sure, will help calm your fears and help you focus on what you need to do next. It may be to talk to your boyfriend or parents, get signed up for Medicaid, or call your physician for an appointment. We will help you navigate through the decision making process, so you don’t feel overwhelmed or stuck. Call today to make an appointment.
Baby Items

At Spero, we provide compassionate care AND practical support; which means we care about your spiritual, emotional, and physical needs. We also know that being pregnant and starting a family can be expensive. So, thanks to our generous donors, we can provide baby/children’s items at no cost.
Baby Boutique
Our Baby Boutique is filled with lovely new and gently used items for mother and baby. From maternity clothes to diapers, wipes, formula, handmade blankets, baby furniture and boys and girls clothes up to 2T. We swap out the clothes seasonally and have special deals to make sure no one goes without. The number of outfits or items earned is based on our Earn While You Learn program. These educational classes are available to all our clients and they earn Spero Bucks for participation.

Prenatal Vitamins High quality prenatal vitamins are given to all our clients with a positive pregnancy test. This helps to ensure that mom is healthy and baby is getting the nutrition he/she needs.
Gifts Bags
Moms, dads and babies are given gift bags when baby is born to welcome him/her to the world and offers moms and dads some fun and necessary items.
For a full list of items appropriate for donations, please see attached description- Items Accepted and Not Accepted
Here is a list of most needed items for 2023

Knowledge is power. Learning about the changes happening in your body, how your baby is growing, and parenting after the baby is born, are all important topics for you to consider. Our incentive-based Learning Classes will help you feel equipped and confident in your new role. Classes are built around a professional, evidence-based curriculum, followed by discussion with your instructor.
Earn While You Learn
Collect Spero Bucks while you learn essential childbirth and parenting skills, in a comfortable and relaxed classroom setting. Then, shop in the Boutique for baby clothes, furniture, diapers or other items. Topics include proper nutrition and health tips during each trimester; what to expect during labor; bringing baby home, etc. Emotional topics including handling stress, postpartum depression, and what to do when the baby is sick, are also covered.
Healthy Relationships

Having a new baby can be incredibly stressful, and stress can be hard on a relationship. Learning how to navigate change, while creating a new family, can be difficult. This curriculum will help give you the knowledge and tools to not only adapt to change, but to thrive in the midst of change. This class will also cover healthy boundaries, communication, and resolving conflict.
Money management classes are also available several times a year with a licensed financial advisor. If you are interested in something else, please ask! Often, we have the resources or can arrange it for you.
Bible Class
Bible Study classes are offered once a week focusing on building a relationship with Jesus Christ and learning His word.
Virtual Classes
All our classes are also offered remotely in various formats. However, there is often a waiting list, and specific guidelines have to be met in order to qualify for virtual classes.
After Abortion Support

Many women who have had abortions report feelings of sadness, depression and regret. Without compounding the emotional and spiritual pain that one may be experiencing, Spero seeks to come alongside these women and men offering comfort, hope and healing. This is not only possible, but very real and available to anyone seeking to walk through the process.
Her Choice to Heal
This curriculum helps participants (group or one-on-one) walk through their past experiences, without shame, to embrace reality, experience forgiveness, and forgive themselves. It requires courage, honesty and trust.
Check here to see when our next class is.
Multiple resources are available upon request to fit your specific needs and desires.
Leaders of this program are carefully selected and fully trained. Most have previously experienced what you are feeling and have come out on the other side. They are mature, empathetic and sensitive to your needs. They provide a safe place for you to explore your feelings, ask questions and find answers.
Please check back periodically to find out when our next post-abortion support group will be scheduled. If have questions or would like to set up a one-on-one visit please call during business hours.
After Abortion Support Resources
Forgiven and Set Free
Surrendering the Secret
YouTube : Surrendering the Secret - Season I Knock TV
Please call 810.985.HOPE or Text 810.292.4844
For Men
24:7 DAD is what we call our fathering program. It is an evidence-based curriculum facilitated by Certified Prevention Specialist, Michael Thomas. Imagine having a personal coach to meet with regularly or to call when you have a question, are feeling stressed out, or need tools for being a better father. You are imagining exactly what 24:7 DAD is all about!
The Need
Children need fathers. Fathers need role models. Many men grow up without a father in the home and then feel lost and ill-equipped to parent effectively when they become dads themselves. They need confidence and skills to break the cycle of fatherlessness and become the dad their child needs, 24/7.
The Solution
24:7 DAD offers a proven curriculum that a dad and coach go through together, at their own pace. “24/7 Dad”, developed by the National Fatherhood Initiative, teaches basic fathering skills; such as, how to be fair and loving; having fun; maintaining a healthy work/play balance; and developing character (both in the child and in the dad). Exploring relationships and how to strengthen the bond between the dad and mom is also covered.
Spero’s Volunteer Advocates are trained and available to any man interested in participating in our 24:7 DAD program. Call or stop by to schedule your first meeting with one of our advocates and begin the process of becoming a great 24/7 dad!
Resources & Referrals
Clients come to us with many needs, and if we cannot help you, we will do our best to point you in the right direction. We have an extensive list of social service agencies, so if you have a need for medical, housing, or legal assistance, or simply need information on adoption, or childcare, we urge you to contact us.